What an amazing day! Run Mummy Run – our fantastic community of women runners – has grown from the humble beginnings of three running mums to now being 20,000 strong. You can read more about how Run Mummy Run started in this blog The Road to Ten Thousand
Run Mummy Run is all about a shared love of running. Our community is built on the support, friendship and encouragement of all women runners – no matter what stage of their running journey they’re on.
We asked a few of our members to sum up what being part of the Run Mummy Run community means to them.
Julie Morris
“I took up running 3 years ago by complete chance. I noticed Run Mummy Run on Facebook as a suggested group in June 2014 when I think there were about 6,000 members, so I joined.
From there on in I have had a massive extended family and formed some truly wonderful friendships that I doubt would ever have been possible otherwise, including one very close friendship.
I have shared my highs and lows with this wonderful group of ladies. They have supported me with my running and been there with fabulous advice and virtual (and real life) hugs when needed.
I have had a rough year with illness and injury and without question Run Mummy Run has kept me going. I have met many RMR ladies now, travelling across the UK, and am always sure of a fellow RMR for support at races.
I may never have had the confidence to enter these races without the incredible support of RMR. Run Mummy Run is truly the best thing to come from Facebook and I for one am honoured and blessed to belong to the best and most supportive group of women ever!”
Lucy Tebbit
“I joined Run Mummy Run before training for my first marathon. I was a novice runner who decided I needed to run a marathon before I was 40, but I was clueless!
I read lots of positive posts about running and fuelling and no one judged, always congratulating each other on all runs from people putting on trainers for the first ever run to people completing ultra marathons, everyone is celebrated.
This is what made me fall in love with the group, all the ladies are warm and welcoming no matter what your ability. I have never known such a positive group, always open for a virtual hug.
During my training I got chatting to another lady that was running and we became friends. We were so excited when the second RMR Retreat was announced and jumped at the chance to go.
The Retreat was amazing, we learned so much about running and met the inspirational Amy Hughes. I also met lots of other wonderful ladies who are now real friends.
So what has RMR given me? It’s given me the confidence to keep running, I get reassurances from thousands of women if I have had a bad run, and cheers and support if I have completed a race.
It has also given me my best friend. A fantastic community of women all with a passion for running.”
Paula Luke
“In September 2015 I took the plunge. After years of procrastinating I became a runner!
Well……as a 50+, overweight, asthmatic mum of two, ‘runner’ may not have been the right phrase then!
But today, with the support and encouragement of 20,000 like-minded women on Run Mummy Run I believe in myself. And I AM A RUNNER.
The group is so nurturing and supportive. I am still staggered that with ‘virtual’ support via a Facebook group women, just like me, are being spurred on to achieve.
And what a relief; we are not all lycra-clad Amazonian types. We runners come in all shapes, sizes and abilities. What unites us is the joy of running.
We’re not all running a marathon, running every day, recording a personal best every week or winning races. But whatever we do on our running journey we are carried along with the unconditional support, friendship and kindness of everyone in the group.
It’s impossible to underestimate the value of those friendly comments on a day when you don’t feel like running; or someone reminding you that every run is an achievement. Where else would women be happy to tell you don’t have to wear pants when you run, discuss ‘leaks’ or perspiration and bare their soul.
In the Run Mummy Run group I know I can share without fear of being judged, listen and learn from women who have been running longer than me and who have knowledge they willingly share.
It’s only possible because the group is a true reflection of what’s best about womankind – love, honesty and trust.
P.S Run Mummy Run has also single handily helped me exceed the data allowance on my mobile every month since I joined – because I just can’t get enough!”
Michelle Foreman
“I’m a bit like marmite. I struggle in large groups, as an over confident individual, fitness freak, emergency service worker. Get me in a group of women and I usually retract.
I often open my gob without thinking. I’ve never fitted in, always feeling the outsider, the one that doesn’t fit in. Run Mummy Run has bought me friendships, a place I can be myself without being judged, and a place I can give genuine, heartfelt advice without people thinking I’m showing off.
Run Mummy Run is a place where I have opened my heart and shown my real self. I have had so much super support and advice throughout training, my marathons and ongoing injury issues. I will always be grateful.
I have made real friends. I’m so very thankful to all the Run Mummy Run members for their advice, guidance and friendship. Thank you for letting me feel part of the tribe.”
We would love to hear your stories about what being part of the Run Mummy Run Community means to you.