Review: PelliTec Blister Prevention Pads – do they prevent running-related blisters?

Marie Mason, one of the West Midlands Run Mummy Run Ambassadors jumped at the opportunity to review these PelliTec® Blister Prevention Pads. Being an active runner, but one who suffered from countless blisters, this was the product for her to test!


“PelliTec is a novel blister prevention patches developed in the UK using Silipos gel. A unique 6-layer blister prevention pad that protects against blisters caused by friction. The product sticks to your trainers/shoes not the skin. Product unique features includes:  unique and breathable sandwich construction that moves with your foot whilst significantly reducing the friction which causes blisters. Wicks away the moisture, reducing the risk of infection. Instantly relieves pressure and pain. Stays firmly in place until removed. Proven to be effective in reducing the occurrence of blisters and helping them heal among walkers, athletes and sports players. Durable and water resistant and most of all easy to apply.”


I was excited and nervous to try this product. Having suffered from blisters – always on the sides of my feet and big toe area – for the past few years since upping the running, it took me a good two weeks to pick up the courage to test the pads. A new pair of trainers calling me, usually means awful blisters. I have tried everything – every kind of running and proven blister prevention sock known, Vaseline and my usual go-to, KT Tape/a plaster on the area for every run.


It was a little awkward to actually apply in the area I needed inside the trainer – maybe it could have been easier in hindsight if I’d untied the laces completely to give me more room. I put the trainer on, tried to gauge the area to apply, removed said foot and made a marker with my hand, and then removed back sticker pad and applied inside the trainer.

See a video of how to apply the pads here:

The pad felt nice and light, soft to touch and seems to have held in place well – so far so good.

PelliTec Blister Prevention PadsOn test

When wearing the trainers and running you can’t feel the pad at all. The blistered area is still battered from previous runs, so I’m hopeful the more I run in this pair the pad will work (as it is so far) to help repair the area too.

It was a big test for me to try the product and put my trust in it. This morning I did 4 miles, no KT Tape, and the pads seems to have worked well. I will build up the running, but really hopeful these are actually going to work. Finally a solution to my problems!

So much so, I’m actually going to purchase some more so that I can try to protect the other areas prone to blistering. Maybe, just maybe, I might be able to have nice feet again! With a retail price around £6.95 per pack of 2, I think it’s a good price to pay.


  • Soft, lightweight and you don’t even know you’re wearing them in your trainers
  • Holds in place well
  • Great value for money


  • Option for square-shaped pads rather than just round
  • Various sized pack options – mix and match according to areas the user requires protecting


I would recommend this product to ladies in the Run Mummy Run community who like me have and do suffer from blisters. I am pleased to have finally found something that actually prevents and protects from blistering.


Click here to buy, from £6.95 for a pack of 2:

PelliTec® Blister Prevention Pad


Mum to two, lover of all things Run Mummy Run and an avid parkrun fan. I have been running for almost 5 years now and gone from couch to 5K, to 10K and half-marathon. Maybe having now discovered this product, a full marathon could be achievable!

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