Running, Pilates and the sun: A guide to navigating hot weather Pilates training

Louise Humphrey is one of our experts in the Run Mummy Run Community Run Club in association with ASICS, focusing on Pilates and its benefits for runners. These blogs are exclusive to RMR CRC members for a few months before being made public, so if you do want to get expert advice on your running, as well as a training sessions, expert Q&As, access to exclusive kit and much more, join the club todayIn this post, Louise explains safety tips for doing Pilates in warmer weather. 

If you’re a runner incorporating Pilates into your routine during hot weather, there are several tips to consider when it comes to staying safe and getting the most out of your workouts. Here are my top tips for runners doing Pilates in hot weather:

  1. Stay hydrated: Hydration is crucial when exercising in hot weather. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your Pilates session. So many of my clients don’t bring water to their Pilates sessions especially when the weather is warmer, but it’s exercise and can be challenging, so you need to drink plenty of water.
  2. Choose a cooler time of day: Schedule your Pilates sessions during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or evening, to avoid extreme heat. This will help prevent overheating and improve your overall comfort.
  3. Wear appropriate clothing: Wear lighter weight, moisture-wicking fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and aid in sweat evaporation. Choose light-coloured attire to reflect sunlight and stay cooler if doing your Pilates session outside after a run.
  4. Find shade or use a fan: If you’re practising Pilates outdoors, try to find a shaded area to exercise. If indoors, position yourself near a fan or air conditioning to keep cool. This will help regulate your body temperature during the session.
  5. Modify the intensity: Adjust the intensity of your Pilates exercises to accommodate the hot weather. Reduce the pace and take more breaks if needed. It’s so important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard in extreme heat conditions.  Taking the level of your Pilates exercises down and focusing on your technique is still as beneficial as doing advanced level exercises.  We often take the level down whether it’s hot or not just to check you are not getting into back habits with your technique.
  6. Focus on breath control: Pilates emphasises deep, controlled breathing, which can help regulate your body temperature and keep you centred. Practice mindful breathing techniques to stay calm and focused during your workout.
  7. Use cooling aids: Utilise cooling aids like towels soaked in cold water or ice packs on your neck or forehead during breaks. This can provide temporary relief from the heat and help you stay comfortable.
  8. Warm up and cool down properly: Before starting your Pilates routine, perform a thorough warm-up to prepare your body. Likewise, end your session with a cool-down to gradually bring your heart rate down and allow your body to recover. Or do a session after a run taking into account all of the tips above especially if its been a hot run!
  9. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any signs of heat-related illnesses, such as dizziness, nausea, excessive sweating, or muscle cramps. If you experience any of these symptoms, take a break, cool down, and seek shade or a cooler environment.

Remember, it’s important to prioritise your safety and wellbeing when exercising in hot weather. If conditions are extreme, consider alternative workout options or reschedule your Pilates session for a cooler time or location.

About Louise

Louise is the founder of Studio 44 Pilates. She offers a 10-minute Pilates membership that allows you to do Pilates daily in your own time with one of the 10-minute Pilates videos. Or for more accountability joining one of the live 10- or 30-minute Pilates classes online. Louise, a mum, a wife and dog mum, has been teaching Pilates for over 20 years. With her Pilates experience, she is able to combine her Pilates knowledge to help runners stay strong, flexible and reduce the risk of injury. As we age, we need to change the way we train to help our changing bodies. Doing Pilates regularly allows Louise to get out of bed in the morning not feeling stiff and be able to carry on doing the things she likes, such as running.

Find out more about how Pilates for Runners at Studio 44 Pilates can help your running, get you stronger and keep you running longer: Studio 44 Pilates


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