How can I motivate myself to run? Run Mummy Run Community Ambassador Clair Ramsden, explains how she motivates herself to run when life gets in the way.
What do I need to do in the two weeks before my half-marathon or marathon? Running coach Matt Buck gives his top tips for taper and last-minute preparation.
So you're in the London Marathon? What do you do now? Matt Buck, experienced running coach, has given Run Mummy Run his top tips for getting prepared.
Learn how to use hill sessions to improve your speed and how to recover properly after a race or long run with Matt Buck, the official Run Mummy Run coach.
Matt Buck, Running Coach from Running Adventures explains to Run Mummy Run how to increase running speed and smash those PBs!
Watch Run Mummy Run Running Coach Matt Buck, tell us about his top tips for beginner runners. Learn how to run efficiently and increase your distance.
Why should I try trail running? Matt Buck gives Run Mummy Run his top tips to get even the most committed road runners to try trail running.